Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Back when I played electric guitar I couldn't do sweeps. So I watched this show (and listened to the themesong) instead. 

"Why did God make snakes before lawyers? He needed the practice!"

"That's my motto: 'Justice Matters Most.'"


Thursday, December 21, 2023


When I was in Winnipeg working at Palliser there was a guy in Shipping who saw this movie a bunch of times. I kinda get it. I remember seeing it in the balcony of the Met. And I saw it a bunch of times on the VCR. But that's about it, really. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


When I was working at the Astral Photo in Winnipeg’s Eaton Place it was a privilege to behold a long-haired guy and his buddy play every single boom box we had in the store. 

“Nice tape,” I whimpered. Even though it was a TDK cassette of Led Zeppelin 2, I could recognize it. 

The long-haired (but muscular) kid whirled around. “Fucking Zeppelin rules, man!” And, Dear Reader, I have used those initials on CDs and playlists ever since.

"I feel as if...Whisky Prajer
might use those letters!"


I know it's old, but this movie changed the way everything looked. 

Holiday drinking

You could check this out. Or you could just drink eggnog

No choice, really.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

The highly-immitated HP Lovecraft

When REH calls you a racist, you know you're a racist. 

Still, nobody could write 'em like HP Lovecraft. 

illo by Barret Chapman

Monday, December 04, 2023


Gene Siskel used to say, "A viewer can only see Shrek for the first time once." But a commited movie goer can wish otherwise.

And just say "Farquad" in a British accent, really fast. 


A WP flashback

Sunday, December 03, 2023


The Iraq Invasion was a hell of a thing. Besides, Cpl. Josh Ray Person taught me how best to shit. 


I would watch this show on Sunday in my basement suite in Toronto, while I recovered from the night before. Somebody said, "Sorry Trekkies but THIS is the best SF show on television!" I don't know if it's SF, but I kinda like The Prisoner