Another exciting bit of news: if you buy it directly from Time-Life, you will receive this package one year in advance of its release date for stores.
In the not-so-exciting department: this offer is available to US residents only. Hey, I thought Brian Mulroney signed my country away in order for me to capitalize on American goodies like this DVD set! I should have known something was rotten...
Addendum: according to the folks at wouldyoubelieve.com, Canadians can pre-order the set via (non-shoe) phone, at 1-800-950-7887
I missed the original run, but grew up watching the reruns, and also count this as one of my favorite child hood shows. any complete edition however must include the two movies, and the short lived 90s version of the show. Not that those later additions were all that great, but for the sake of completeness it would be a nice touch
Hm - you envision a Planet of the Apes-type package? Then I'd hope for packaging a little more dramatic than a friggin' phone booth. An enormous shoe-phone, say - or maybe a Cone of Silence that puffs out a little cloud of smoke every time you open it up to retrieve a disc. Or perhaps, following Apes' lead, an attractive bust of 99 and her industrial coiff (on second thought...).
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