
Saturday, January 07, 2023

Sammy Davis Jr., rediscovered

Back at the bookstore we had a portable stereo that quietly played CDs, four to a tray. I am only now listening to these CDs as I upload them, one at a time, to YouTube Music. So Eee-o 11: The Best Of The Rat Pack is quite a revelation, particularly Sammy Davis Jr. 

When he recorded "Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs" I suspect Kelsey Grammer was singing along — a lot —with Sammy Davis Jr. There can only be one Sammy Davis Jr. and thank God for that — he was quite the performer. If you want to see Sammy Davis Jr. singing and dancing and playing trombone, xylophone then the drums skip straight to 10:45,

Oh, this isn't half the story.   

Other links: They may have been a bunch of hams but the Rat Pack ruled the world once. I like The Rat Pack movie, (looks like it is currently on YouTube Canada) but I am a sucker for anything with Ray Liotta and Don Cheadle in it (wiki). Here is "Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs." And here is the original (cheap!) TV ad for Eee-o 11: The Best Of The Rat Pack. I don't know what they mean by 2 CDs. If I remember right I bought a single CD at Costco for a couple of bucks during a diaper run. ("They'll never notice this!" Little did I know...) You can probably do better with a quick streaming session. 

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