
Saturday, December 10, 2022

Rattling in my brain-pan: the importance of the blog

"1.6 milion"?  Easy-peasy, man! Readers new and old alike are urged to try Vintage WhiskyYearly Selections. I'm playing the long game, alright. "I now find I'm treating this blog the way I treat my private notebooks, as a scrapbook space." Oh, just wait until you start filling your "private notebooks" with "MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The blog's gonna start feeling really important.  

I looked like this when I started blogging. Today 
monitors are slimmer. I OTOH... 


  1. 2003 me: "Future me is going to be so glad that I've recorded all my thoughts on this blog for him to remember."

    2022 me: "I really hate 2003 me."

  2. Yeah I dunno -- 2003 got him this far, didn't it?

  3. Hey,I was there (this blog started in 2004, but you get the point. -- you can't be ashamed of who you were because it's a part of you now. It's just the way things are. Some day I'll be embarrassed by what I published in 2022, but who cares? It's 2022 NOW, baby!

  4. I'll probably also hate all of my 2022 posts in another 20 years. But there is an additional irony in all of this. The older I get, the more I hate the early entries on my blog. But at the same time, the older I get, the more I treasure having a blog to record all my reading and watching experiences. When I was still in my 20s, I used to worry that spending too much time on my blog would turn me into a recluse. Now I love the idea of being a recluse. Who wants to go out and be social? I just want to read books, watch movies, and write about them on my blog.

  5. You forgot: "And be with the Wife." Everything else is small potatoes, buddy.

  6. Seriousy! (said the man being fed coffee with a spoon.)

  7. ’Tis the season!

    (Couple of accounts I’ve come across this month. The former new to me, the latter a Chicagoan of extensive digital-media pedigree whom I’ve followed on Twitter, though never closely.)

  8. Always up for your links.
