
Sunday, August 21, 2022

Of Vox Mini-SuperBeetles and podcast interviews

My brother and I tried the Mini Super-Beetle at Quest Musique in St. Vital. We both had GAS in the worst way, but neither of us was going to take that sucker home -- it broke up far too quickly, and we didn't like that little speaker cabinet.

It looks better than it sounds... 
I've been mulling over this, probably more than I should. Wilson really wants to give it up to the vinyl die-hards. But CDs are what they are, and what they are is good. Wilson also explains the re-mastering process, and why remasters are worth your money and time. This was probably the last, best thing I heard before waking up in a city not my own. (P.S. the Jimmy Page Led Zeppelin remasters are totally worth it.)

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