
Friday, March 12, 2021

Rattling in my brain-pan

Maybe the keyboard is the problem...

Words are not showing up for me, alas. Fortunately there are all kinds of good words being spilled elsewhere. Here’s what’s got me cogitatin’.

The best thing I’ve read this week:

  • Postcolonialism — it is, I think, the only future possible. Postcolonial thought, however, frequently hinges on a return to precolonial splendour — an utter impossibility. What, then, is the future of Postcolonial thought?


  1. The post colonial piece is excellent.

  2. Thank you Karen. It is definitely the item that has provided the most food for thought, for Yours Truly.

  3. Agreed, though I am curious to know what Mignolo & Walsh think of Appadurai’s reading. He seems to make that past-ward vs. future-ward contrast, comparing them with Mbembe, increasingly stark in course of reviewing.

    Companion read maybe worth checking out here: Sindre Bangstad for Africa Is a Country.

    Certainly feeling I ought to know Mbembe better. I note that he’s been in headlines in the past year over the problem of Israel and identifying what is and isn’t antisemitic — and that he appeals to Arendt, poor fellow.

  4. "Arendt" -- oh dear. Things really come full-circle, don't they?
