
Friday, August 30, 2019

Promissory notice

Another Labour Day weekend, another opportunity to move an urchin to college digs. I hope to spritz a bit about Alan Jacobs' book -- so please hang in there. Better yet, tell me what you're up to, and let's keep the ball rolling.
"Wait: the city has telephone lines? In 2019??"


  1. Listening to this — and thinking you’d be getting a kick out of it, or much of it:

  2. Should say, I guess, that it’s not the specific politics of the thing but Valley’s MAD-reading preacher-boy self-portrayal, throughout, that I expect you’ll enjoy. (Whether I’m altogether sympathetic politically myself is for one of those long posts I have such a hard time getting around to.)

  3. Well, good luck separating PK, nevermind RK, humour from PK/RK politics!

    Tangentially, it's been about a year since I finished watching Mad Men. It's occurred to me that among the most egregious historical slips they committed was the complete absence of MAD Magazine -- even if Draper couldn't be bothered, Sterling would have been all over it.
