
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Olympic Mystery

How does a guy from Russell, Manitoba get gold-medal training for an event like the skeleton? For those who have yet to visit the Keystone Province, most of Manitoba looks like this.


  1. yahmdallah9:59 am

    Are you sure that's not north dakota or parts of south dakota? That looks like every highway I drove as a teenager.

  2. Such an uninspiring photo could only come from my digital camera, so, yes: I am sure this was taken slightly south and to the east of Russell, MB -- directions which could just as easily apply to the Dakotas.

  3. WP,
    I'm sure his dad had one of these that he used to pull him up and down the entire province over those magnificent corn fields that persuaded him that there was gold in those sleds.

  4. Yikes! I wouldn't want to strap anything to the back of that monster. But I imagine it would indeed be a useful means of persuasion.
