
Thursday, October 02, 2008

Will Eisner's The Spirit

Drawn! links to these 12 fab splash pages illustrating (and explicating) some of the genius behind Will Eisner's The Spirit. Even though the posting is entitled 12 Splash Pages Will Convince You Frank Miller Shouldn't Adapt The Spirit, io9 graciously concludes, "The bar is set high, but it's always enjoyable to watch a confident director adapt deserving material." Comic book fans are usually the most hesitant when it comes to embracing silver-screen adaptations -- I have my own reservations about Miller -- but a property that is as nuanced as The Spirit poses particular challenges, as this person makes clear.


  1. Wishing to amend earlier comments a little now. It's too long since I've looked at that stuff, and the parody side of Eisner hasn't been as resonant for me as probably should. Still, I don't think I could ever love this material, even as 'of another generation.'

    One thing you'd certainly say about him, though: you don't ever get the feeling he was drawing for a living just because he could.

    Quite perfect, how the girl's rear in that image is so absurdly tight it seems only to meet the ground line at a single Euclidean point!

  2. Paul,
    ..the girl's rear in that image is so absurdly tight it seems only to meet the ground line at a single Euclidean point!

    You, sir, have a future in writing "The Mathematician's Guide to Picking Up Girls". Let me know when it's published; I'd like a copy.

  3. Ha ha!

    Mathematics & picking up women, now. -- Well if I'm ever to have a reputation in either area, writing a book seems as likely a path to it as any.

    : )

  4. That is indeed one muscular heiny. No wonder she's able to sling The Spirit over her should with such ease.
