
Sunday, February 12, 2006

"Even with you near me, I still feel so all alone"

Heartbreaker #10: Tony y Maria by Los Lobos (my wife's favourite song, from her favourite band) found on Good Morning Aztlán

One hundred and fifty miles from Mexico to L.A.
doesn't seem that far but it's still a world away

So begins the story of Tony and Maria -- an immigrant story, etched with clean, precise lines. Tony arrives at el Norte in advance, figuring to secure a job and living quarters -- and opportunity -- for his family. He toils alone for a few years, cobbling together less than he imagined. Desperately lonely, he begs his wife Maria to come join him.

Tony longs for Maria. Maria arrives, and longs for her babies. For me, this song's chorus with its subtle variations is a stake that slowly drives closer to the heart of the vows we make in intimacy:

We promised that we'd care for one another
said his wife
now and for the rest of our lives

Lyrics here.

Heartbreaker #9

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