
Friday, October 14, 2005

Pumpkin Gutting

By posting this picture of my daughters, I'm crossing a line I set for myself -- but darn it all, this shot cries for exposure! The picture is already a year old, and in another year or two they'll be strong enough to physically restrain the old man from posting their pictures. So this is it: my singular offense.


  1. Well, WP, they are ... gorgeous (if one can use that word in the most non-offensive way possible). Plus, you were able to catch the two techniques most often used for pumpkin gutting. Namely,
    1) Eyes Wide Open
    2) Eyes Wide Shut

    I prefer technique #2. It leaves it to my imagination what's on the other side of my hand as it swirls in the innards, hoping for gold (biology was never me strong suit, so precious metals inside vegetables seemed a distant possibility).

  2. As you can well imagine, I'm having real trouble teaching them how to gut a fish.

  3. Little girls are so much fun!

    I should know - raised four and now another stepteendaughter.

  4. CP, from a father's point of view, I'd use the word "fun" in a heavily adjectived way. While I can empathize with my son's foibles and struggles, having gone through the same stupidities on my own (and, as he has, the same stupities over and over again), I can laugh with him and at him. With the daughter..well, that's a whole new advanced type of species. i understand now why fathers tend to buy more things and buy them at the sheer mention of them by one's daughter, then they do for their sons. The purchases are like offerings placed at the foot of the altar.

    And lest I forget, no one and I do mean NO ONE can call me out better than my daughter. She's been pressing my buttons snce she first opened her eyes, looked at me, and started bawling (in high C, of course).

  5. I'm with DV on the "fun" issue, even though I have no sons to amuse me. The mother gets to have some fun (sans scare quotes) with the girls, but the father...? Sigh. We do what we can.

  6. Having seen the Prajer with my own eyes I can attest that while he was the most handsome son in his family he's not handsome enough to explain his daughters. You must have married a very lovely woman :)

  7. You are quite right to point to the true source of the girls' beauty (I'll let her know the brother-in-law sez "hi"), but it will be a frosty day in Hell before I ever post a picture of my beloved - sorry, fellas.

  8. WP, I thought you already sorta posted that photo whne you did a Michelle Shocked review a few weeks ago? You mentoined the similarities, didn't you?

  9. Mmm - Ms. Shocked is certainly a woman who reminds me of the one I married. Given how Ms. S. is not especially camera averse, I and my wife will gladly allow her to pose as a substitute.

  10. Nothing wrong with body doubles. I myself am in heavy negotiations to have Peter Forsberg do a stand-in for me when he gets a chance to break away (and score!!...oops, sorry, that cliche slipped).
