Look at this mess.
What a racket, what a shake-down.
Everything I thought as I made these many, many purchases was dead wrong. "If it's good, I'll watch it more than once." "I could see myself watching this while the wife is afield." "Oh, the kids will
definitely want to see this when they're older."
The biggest lie of them all: "If I don't buy it, there's probably no other way I'll get to see it." Ka-
A great percentage of discs are still handy to have around -- the Disney/Pixar stuff, basically. Even if grandkids don't ever enter my family picture, some occasion usually presents itself in the form of kids-of-friends, or other family members. So I don't begrudge those purchases -- we already got our money's worth throughout the girls' childhood.
I would estimate that at least 75% of the DVDs I own will never be played/seen by me a second time.
Of these, even the uber-classic movies
I just knew I'd queue up at
least once a year, are just . . . taking up space.
The Godfather trilogy, for instance. Millennials are getting a bad rap because they get twitchy within minutes of the opening sequence -- but sheesh: so do I. Who wants to sit through over three hours of a single movie -- one of three -- when there's all this fabulous television to catch up with?
And now with streaming and on-demand being what it is, the catalog of possibilities is far larger than I ever could have imagined when I initially forked over the $5-$25.
Still and all, there are a handful of movie DVDs I value -- deeply. In some cases you can easily get the movie on demand, but there remains a larded pantry of wonders on the DVD extras. In other cases, it's just a fondness unique to the fetish of the particular package in question.
So this is me, coming out of "listing" retirement and announcing my list of
cherished DVDs. Might be a top-10, I don't know. We'll see. What I won't do is put them in any particular order, with the exception of Number 1 -- because there
is a particular DVD among the bunch that delivers maximal marginal utility.
First entry goes to . . .